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Clinical Guideline

Evacuation Standards for Northern Communities

Evacuation Standards for Northern Communities

Clinical Guideline

".. This document is the Joint Emergency Management Steering Committee (JEMS) Service Level Evacuation Standards manual, also known as the JEMS manual. It was developed in consultation with First Nations (FN) communities and stakeholders involved in supporting First Nation communities who evacuate due to an emergency. The JEMS manual describes the considerations that inform an effective evacuation of, care for and return of First Nation evacuees, including, but not limited to the circumstances, factors, supports, roles, responsibilities, and decision-making, etc., that are all a part of a successful evacuation, hosting and return process. .."

Emergency Management Ontario Emergency Management Ontario

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Nov 22, 2022, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Transitioning to a FHO Townhall

Discussion  | All Events 
Audience: Primary Care 
Focus areas: Enrollment Models 
Tags: FHO