Geriatric Primary Care

Why This Group Is Forming

Presently the largest group of primary care practitioners managing the largest population of geriatric patients is fee-for-service physicians.  It was always difficult to access services. With the advent of  Ontario Health Teams depending on where your practice is located geographically many FFS doctors patients risk being qued a layer deeper if we don't start organizing collaboratively with our primary care colleagues and supporting organizations.

This team will facilitate that process as it relates to geriatrics in South Etobicoke and then move on from there.

Our Team


Content lead for this sub-site

I am a family doctor who looked after elderly patients as my primary practice focus in the South Etobicoke and East Mississauga region.  I transitioned to this practice focus in 2014 because I noted there was a shortage of doctors willing to take on the complex care needs of geriatric populations. What I had not anticipated at the time that I shifted to this focus was how difficult it would be to do so if you were in a patient enrolment model that didn't have robust support capabilities for integrated care. What is amazing in this experience over the last five years is that we have adapted to this reality without the expensive, government-backed tools of integrated care that other patient enrolment models freely enjoy. We have learned some very valuable things along the way that may be of benefit to others.  We hope to share and further develop what we have learned inside the context of this supportive sub-site on for other FFS doctors focusing on geriatrics in the Central LHIN region and beyond.
