
ReactJS as a programming choice  (more)

What we see as its advantages in medical app development

Several competitors in the JavaScript front-end market came into existence about ten years ago. Angular.js, Vue.js and React.js, Ember.js. (Fun-Fact - the creator of Handlebars.js was a summer student working on this very site's underlying code in 2006 ). For some time, Angular had the high ground but in a competative merit based environment React and Vue began to win over developers.


Vue is a very well-thought-out platform. We develop with Vue via one of it's frameworks; NUXT.js. However, as developers, by necessity we prefer React.


React’s advantages are …

If you are looking for a Javascript framework so you can start building real-world complex websites, as of NEXT.js 13 we suggest NEXT.js as your first choice as a sole soultion. We prefer Rails in the backend and React in the front end. This is based on our deep bench of knowledge in both. Rails is still a better back end .. if you have the resources or know Ruby already.


If you want to try out mobile app development and you prefer a solution that allows you to ship one solution for both IOS and Android, then head on over to React Native.


Posted: April 19, 2023 by Greg Van de Mosselaer
Tags: Programming